Your Social Network Profile Could Get You A Great Job - New Online Business Tv Show Reveals How
Released on: September 3, 2008, 2:42 am
Press Release Author: David Chandler
Industry: Advertising
Press Release Summary: Business experts explain how social networking can help you find staff and get headhunted in new business TV series from yourBusinessChannel.
Press Release Body: UK, London, September 03, 2008 -- Recruiters are quietly but actively trawling social networks looking for candidates for confidential, top quality jobs, recruiters at global recruitment company MRINetwork reveal in an interview for a new expert business advice show from online business TV producer yourBusinessChannel.
The comments feature alongside those of other business experts in yourBusinessChannel’s new Talent business television series which casts a spotlight on all the latest aspects of recruiting and being recruited.
MRINetwork’s Stephen Kennedy, recruitment business expert and Managing Director of MRINetwork Talent Partners, says recruiters are particularly active on the big business networks like LinkedIn.
It is one of our first ports of call when we’re looking to identify top talent for the search assignments that we work on,” he tells viewers on the business TV show.
Debby Lloyd, Managing Director of MRINetwork EcoSearch tells the business news television channel that it’s common for great opportunities to go unadvertised, particularly in competitive industries where employers don’t want their competitors to know they’re planning to bring in a new strategic role.
Those are the ones that you really want to be tapped on the shoulder for. And we can’t find you if you’re not out there on a social network.”
As well as talking about how recruiters are using social networks, the Talent business TV shows see business experts revealing what candidates need to put in their profiles to make sure they are in the running for their dream job.
What makes the profile work is a flavour of the projects you\'re working on currently, the challenges you\'re facing but also the kinds of key words you put on your profile. That\'s the thing that brings us to you so use the key words in your industry and we’ll find you.”
The business experts also reveal how employers can use social networks to ease their recruitment headaches and connect with potential employees, particularly Gen Y candidates who are notoriously difficult to attract.
Get a taste of the Talent series of business TV shows on YouTube. Also, see yourBusinessChannel’s other great business TV shows featuring expert business advice on talent from leaders like business expert Alexander Pepper from PricewaterhouseCoopers and online entrepreneur, CEO of and business expert Bob Young.
Further links/information: * View this and other business TV shows featuring business experts.
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Contact: David Chandler yourBusinessChannel UK, London +44 (0) 870 041 0459